#1. Cooking! Do you ever start making dinner for your family or friends but then something happens or you get distracted and have to leave it unattended for a minute or even longer? Here try doing this before you have to run; turning the heat off first before leaving, then there is no chance for anything to over boil or catch fire! Or you can try something as simple as setting a timer to remind yourself there is something still on the stove!
#2. Smoking! If you or someone in the household tends to smoke indoors maybe it’s time we take it outside or someone institutes a no smoking in the house policy. There is so much in the household that can catch on fire very quickly for example upholstered furniture or carpeting. It may be cold in the winter months to have to go outside, but this way everyone stays much safer and healthier!
#3. Electrical Cords! Faulty or deteriorating cords are another cause of house fires! They often and easily can become frayed, damaged or cracked! Be sure to check everything on a regular basis and make sure it’s all in good safe working condition! If you notice anything that can become an issue or fire hazard replace it right away! In addition try not to overload your circuits “Rule of thumb, one plug per receptacle”
#4. Heating! When using portable or electric space heaters here are some tips for to ensure you are using them safely! Make sure the heater is far away from any objects such as “drapes, furniture, bedspreads, people and pets” at least 3 feet! If you have a log burning fire place you should get it professionally cleaned out every year to make sure there is nothing inside that can be potentially dangerous or lead to an unexpected fire!
#5. Candles! Who doesn’t love to burn candles? The smell, the light it gives off, the overall warm soothing feeling you get when sitting next to it! Unfortunately it is one of the leading causes of house fires! Solution; consider switching to a battery operated one instead, it may not be as fulfilling but definitely much safer! If you choose to use the traditional fire burning candle then always make sure to extinguish it before leaving the room!
Stay safe out there everyone and try to avoid those fire causing habits!
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