Did you have a little too much fun with your red wine and accidentally spill on your carpet! Not to worry it happens to the best of us. There are many people who think it’s almost impossible to remove red wine from your carpets especially a white/lighter colored carpet, but try one of these methods and home remedies, they actually work!
With any stain always act fast, the longer you let something sit for the more of a chance you won’t be able to remove it. As soon as have a spill the first thing you should do it grab a cloth or towel whatever you normally use to clean with and blotch the area. Don’t blotch from side to side as this could make the stain larger, use and up and down motion. Once you have blotched the spot until almost dry grab some COLD water and rewet the area again and repeat with the same blotching method until dry. This should take the stain out you may have to go over it a few times.
Salt. Salt draws the moisture out in the stain, so pour a lot of salt all over the stained area and let sit for a long time. If you don’t have plans for that day it’s best to leave the salt as long as you can. This method will only work if the area is wet, so if it has started to dry before you have poured salt onto it then pour some cold water on the stain to moisten the area. You will notice that the salt will eventually turn a pinkish color, this is a good thing. Once you notice that the stain has been removed simply vacuum up the salt.
This method I particularly love, it works on almost any stain that I have ever encountered! DISH SOAP! It honestly works, I just get the stained area wet with cold water and drop a little dish soap over the area and using the blotching method go at it. The only thing with this method is that it’s soap so you will have to get it wet a few times to get soap suds out of your carpet, but in my experience this has proven the best way to get most stains out, it work on clothes, furniture you name it. I use sunlight soap so I haven’t tested any other brands out but I’m sure they would do the same trick! Try it out and see if it works for you!
I hope these tricks help when your wine nights get the best of you!